Donations to Love GigSpace support the well being of the venue, including music equipment maintenance and upgrades.

“Keep doing your good work of taking artistic chances, hosting workshops for artist development and introducing exciting jazz and new compositions to Ottawa in an excellent performance space.”
With sincere appreciation and gratitude,
thank you to our multi-year donors:
Music Lover (up to $99)
Neil Allen
Marc Bédard
Kelly Kerrigan
Margaret Laing
Buchanan Lighting
Kim O’Farrell (music gear donation)
Mike Mullin
James Paulson
Davina Pearl
Adam Robert
Colleen Rollwagen
Ronald Stoltz
Donald Swartz
Michael Wenzowski
Friend of GigSpace
Canada Helps Partner Giving
GigSpace Friend ( $100 to $499)
Thomas McKegney
Jim Nuyens
Stanley Ages
Viner Assets Inc
Fred Daniel
Rob Frayne
David Fraser
Gary Viner
Caroline Gibson
David Glover
Alrick Huebener
Avraham Iny
Sue McCarthy
Mary Moore
Julie McBrien
Owen Munn (new drum heads)
Rick Pearlman (donation of music gear)
Peter Rapson
Gerry Richard
Doug Skuce
Graeme Weeks
Friend of GigSpace
Friend of GigSpace
Friend of GigSpace
Laura Buckland
Michael Gazier
Ed Stevens
Linda Brewer
In Memory of Henry Jaques
Cindy Deachman
Leslie Toope
David Bolton
Jill Townsend
John Bourgeois
Laura Anglade un concet mémorable
A Friend of GigSpace
GigSpace Supporter ($500 to $999)
Marc Bright-Chochlekov (sound engineer and recording gear donation)
Capital Vox Jazz Choir
Horace Cohen
Tom Denison (donation of music gear)
Mark & Monica Ferguson
Mike Kay (donation of recording gear)
David Miller
St. John’s Music (donation of recording gear)
TD Commercial Bank
Evelyn Voigt
Gaby Warren
John & Linda Wilson
Sharon Carr
Supporter of GigSpace
Supporter of GigSpace
United Way
A Friend of GigSpace
GigSpace Sponsor ($1000 to $4999)
A Friend of GigSpace
Alcorn Music Studios
Chenier Group
Elise Letourneau & Tim Bedner
Mike Steinberg
Owen Munn Foundation
Randy & Rose David
Bradley Evans
Eppo Maertens
Sylvie Duchesneau
Peter Turner
The Delphi Group
Barry Cooper
GigSpace Presenter ($5000 and up)
Karen Oxorn
Lois Moody
Riek van den Berg
The Blue Pearl Foundation
District Realty Corporation
Equipment Donations:
Dave’s Drum Shop generously donated a Yamaha Custom BeBop drumkit.
Alan Whatmough, Pianocraft – generously provided GigSpace with an extended loan of the Heintzman grand piano.
Michael Gazier - generously donated a double bass.
Rick Pearlman - generously donated percussion gear
Owen Munn - generously donated percussion gear
David Kelleher - generously donated an Eastman guitar
GigSpace is supported in part by the City of Ottawa through the Ottawa Arts Funding Program.